For many parents, 3 months marks a time when things get a little easier. Some of the not-so-fun parts of caring for a newborn—like colic and constant feeding—have gotten better. Three-month-old sleep schedules have become a little more predictable, too. Still, there are some challenges that come with having a 3-month-old, and if you are still feeling tired and overwhelmed, that’s normal too. Let’s take a look at what to expect once your baby turns 3 months old, as well as some feeding, sleep, baby care, and health and safety tips.

3-Month-Old Baby Development

Many people consider the first 3 months of a baby’s life to be the “fourth trimester.” Your baby is doing a tremendous amount of growing and developing, feeds constantly, is up frequently at night, and wants to be held most of the time. By 3 months, your baby will seem a little more regulated in terms of feeding and sleep, and those evening fussies or colic symptoms will have mostly disappeared. As they hit the 3-month mark, though, your baby will likely have another big growth spurt. They may want to feed more frequently, may seem generally fussier, and may sleep poorly. But all of this is for a good cause! When your baby has a growth spurt, they don’t just grow larger. They often have major leaps in development. One area that will develop more strongly this month is your baby’s vision, as well as their perception of the world around them, says Roya Samuels, MD, a pediatrician in the division of general pediatrics at Cohen Children’s Medical Center.    “At three months of age, your infant should have better eye-muscle control, allowing them to track objects,” explains Dr. Samuels. “Improved vision allows your infant to tell objects apart from their backgrounds.” You may notice that your baby studies objects and faces more scrupulously than before, and is better able to follow objects as they move. If you walk into a room, your baby may recognize you, even before you get close. This will be a very exciting and heartwarming moment for you and your baby.

3-Month-Old Baby Milestones

Over the next few months, your baby will reach some really exciting, picture-worthy milestones, like being able to sit unassisted and starting to crawl. Your baby isn’t quite there yet, but their body is getting stronger each day, in preparation. Your baby generally grows about 1 to 1 ½ inches taller at this age and gains about 1 ½ to 2 pounds per month. But in about 4 months, your baby will have doubled their birth weight. Keep in mind that these are all estimates. It’s normal if your baby’s growth is a little slower and faster than this. All babies grow at their own rates. For example, when you place your baby on their belly, you might notice how much stronger they are becoming. “Three-month-old babies should be able to hold their head up well and, while laying on their stomach, be able to push up with their arms to support their chest,” says Thanh-Tam Nguyen, MD, a pediatrician and medical director at CalOptima in Orange County, CA. In addition, you may notice that your baby really begins to work their legs. If you lay them on their belly or back, your baby should start kicking their legs playfully and stretching their legs out. If you try to stand or sit your baby up (while supporting them, of course!), they will push down with their feet. As you watch your baby develop and check milestones off the list, it’s important to keep in mind that all babies are different when it comes to reaching these milestones. “Development may vary depending on factors such as whether the delivery was early or on time, if the baby has any medical conditions, and different family situations and environments,” says Dr. Nguyen. If you notice that your baby hasn’t reached milestones that are typical of 3-month-olds, check in with your pediatrician for guidance, he adds.

3-Month-Old Baby Food

By 3 months old, babies are still feeding frequently, but not quite as frequently as when they were newborns. Many parents find that they are more settled into a feeding routine, and can more readily predict when their baby will need to eat, and begin to plan their days around this.

They will continue to expand and refine their vocal skills, cooing and even starting to babbleThey may be able to hold objects for longer periods of time and may be able to start shaking themThey will start to coordinate hand and eye movement moreThey may begin imitating sounds that they hearThey will turn toward whoever is speaking

Breastfeeding babies still need to feed at least eight times in a 24-hour period, but some babies are still feeding more frequently than that. There is a wide range of normal. While breastfeeding, let your baby finish one breast before offering the other. Let your baby guide you in this process. Formula-fed babies may be able to stretch the time between feedings to up to four hours. They generally take about 6 ounces per feeding at this age, but again, this will vary depending on how hungry your baby is. Always feed your baby based on their hunger cues. Only about half of all parents are still exclusively breastfeeding when their babies hit the 3-month mark. This is often because parents have gone back to work and find it difficult to keep up with a pumping schedule. It’s important to keep in mind that breastfeeding isn’t all or nothing. It’s possible to combine formula and breastfeeding.  You can talk to a lactation consultant about how to do this, and what the best ways are to keep up your milk supply as you return to work.

3-Month-Old Baby Sleep

Three months marks some significant changes when it comes to sleep. Your baby is still sleeping about 15 hours a day, give or take. But now, they are doing the bulk of their sleep at night, which will come as a welcome relief to parents. This means that, rather than sleeping at random times during the day, your baby is starting to take actual naps during the day, followed by longer periods of playtime. All babies are different when it comes to naptime, though, so don’t be surprised if you still have a catnapper at this age. “Naps are varied—some take thirty-minute ones throughout the day, others take two longer ones,” says Gina Posner, MD, a pediatrician at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. “Most take at least two naps a day at this point.” Three months is also the time that some babies are able to technically start to sleep through the night. But many babies just aren’t there yet, says Dr. Posner. “I wouldn’t expect a baby to sleep through the night, but some do,” she notes. Keep in mind, too, that “sleeping through the night” has a different definition when it comes to babies. A 3-month-old is considered to be sleeping through if they have slept six to eight hours in a row, even though they may sleep a total of nine or 10 hours a night. Still, many babies aren’t even there just yet, and still wake every few hours all night. This is perfectly normal, too.

3-Month-Old Baby Schedule

It may not seem like it, but your baby is rapidly developing their language skills. Your baby has been cooing for a while, but this month, you may start to hear them babble. They may respond with smiles while they hear your voice and may even start trying to imitate the words that you say. As your baby starts to have longer stretches of awake time during the day, you can use that time to talk to your baby, interact with them, and even start reading books to them. All of these activities help develop their language and communications skills. So, talk to your baby as you draw them a bath and change their diaper. Describe what you’re doing with them. Watch and marvel as they listen attentively, even though they probably don’t really know what you are saying. As for reading, select books that are brightly colored, simple, and that give you opportunities to be animated and silly as you read. Baby-friendly books that your little one can grab and play with are even better.

3-Month-Old Baby Health and Safety

You won’t have another well visit for your baby until they reach 4 months. Of course, you should contact your baby’s pediatrician with any questions you may have between now and then. Importantly, if your baby shows any signs of illness or fever, or has any kind of accident, contact your pediatrician right away. At 3 months, you know the basics about keeping your baby healthy and safe. But there are a few safety issues that might come up now for you to be aware of.

Shopping Cart Safety

Now that you are out and about more, you will likely start taking your baby on errands with you. It can be tempting to take their portable infant car seat and place it on the top of a shopping cart, but this is not considered safe. In fact, according to the AAP, shopping cart accidents are one of the greatest dangers to young children, and account for 20,000 emergency room visits per year. If you do take your baby shopping with you, it’s best not to place your baby in a shopping cart. Shopping carts can even be dangerous for older children. The AAP suggests that you instead wear your baby in a baby carrier, or use a stroller or wagon. If none of those are possible, it might be best to keep your baby home rather than take them shopping.

Taking Medications While Breastfeeding

If you are still breastfeeding your baby, you may have questions about what types of medications are safe to take—from cold medications to antibiotics to medication to treat anxiety or depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most medications are safe for breastfeeding parents. Even if a medication isn’t safe, there is usually an alternative that is. Discuss your options with your pediatrician or a lactation consultant. LactMed, a database sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, is a great resource you can bookmark. Most medications you are considering taking are on there, along with information about their safety while breastfeeding.

3-Month-Old Baby Care Basics

Your baby isn’t too messy yet (just wait till they start eating solids!), but caring for a baby involves quite a lot of clean-ups. Let’s look at what to expect this month.


You are still changing a lot of diapers, though maybe not quite as many as before. Your 3-month-old isn’t pooping nearly as much as they did as a newborn. It’s normal if they only poop once or twice a day, and even go a few days in a row without pooping. Your breastfed baby’s poop will still be loose, but formula-fed babies have firmer poops.

Spitting Up

Your baby probably isn’t spitting up quite as much as they did as a newborn, but it’s normal to continue to spit up sometimes at 3 months. As long as your baby is growing and is a “happy spitter,” you don’t need to be concerned. Just have a good supply of burp cloths on hand.  


Your baby is probably not about to get any teeth just yet, but the teething process may be starting, and it’s normal for drooling to start as early as 3 months. Your baby may even start to have a few “drool bubbles.” Drooling is not an issue as long as it’s not accompanied by other signs of illness, like fever or congestion. If your baby is drooling and is having trouble breathing, they may have choked; seek immediate emergency care if this is the case.

What Else to Know About Your 3-Month-Old Baby

Once your baby hits 3 months, you might start to enter the “comparison game” of parenting. If you hear of another 3-month-old who sleeps through the night, but your baby doesn’t—or if you hear of a baby this age who has hit a development milestone before your baby has—you might feel jealous or defeated. You might even start to think that you are an inferior parent in some way. The idea that all babies are different and unique really is true! Even young babies have their own personality, their own strengths and weaknesses, and their own temperaments. As long as your baby is growing well, is healthy, and is meeting their milestones within a reasonable timeframe, there is nothing to be concerned about. As always, you should follow up with your pediatrician if you think that your baby is experiencing any kind of physical or developmental delay.

A Word From Verywell

At this stage in the game, many of the congratulatory “You just had a baby!” calls have stopped, and fewer people are probably offering you help with your baby. But just because you are past the newborn phase doesn’t mean you don’t need extra help or a little TLC. Parenting an infant is a big deal, and really takes over your life. Even though you are past those early weeks when your baby fed around the clock and didn’t know the difference between night and day, you are definitely still in the trenches of parenting. Try to cut yourself some slack, practice self-care whenever you can, and reach out for help when needed. Postpartum mood disorders can present at any time in the first year after you become a parent, so don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help if you are experiencing an uptick in depression or anxiety.