Numerous resorts and vacation hot spots offer childcare services, but parents should check out the facilities and staff qualifications before leaving kids at an unknown facility. Here are things to consider when looking for daycare on vacation. Many large daycare centers can accommodate an extra child on vacation and you may be able to arrange for special rates or services that would typically be found at the regular location. If possible, go online to the main website and look over the locations. Then, call and verify before you leave home. Bringing along a vacation babysitter gives parents the opportunity to spend time together as a couple, enjoy nightlife, and relax on the beach while knowing that a trusted person is looking after their children. Make sure you’re comfortable with the person you choose and can trust them to keep close watch of your kids. You’ll also want to be prepared to pay more for accommodations and entertainment, too. Having connecting rooms may be a convenient and cost-effective solution. The UrbanSitter mobile app makes it even easier by enabling you to search for someone who is just right for your family’s vacation needs and schedule, read reviews from other parents, and book and share job logistics before you depart, while you are on the go, or when you arrive at your destination.   Hotel concierges are another source for connecting you with vacation babysitters to hire at your destination. Be sure to ask whether the listings you are given are just an accumulation of possibilities with no references or recommendations or whether they are ones that have been deemed as highly qualified or reputable services by parents and childcare professionals. And, yes, there is a huge difference! Many hotels also offer on-site child care or evening babysitting; parents should check out the details in advance of the stay to know what is offered and at least have a pretty good inclination about whether the kid clubs are right for their families.  If you like what you read and see about a drop-in facility, the next step should be to get the center to fax over registration forms so that you can have them completed. Once you arrive at your destination, make an unscheduled stop into the prospective facility and check out the premises first-hand before you require childcare. Only after you are armed with information and are comfortable with the facility should you consider leaving your youngster there. This may be more cost-efficient than hiring a babysitter or bringing along your nanny, but you should go into the vacation knowing that it is now a family affair!