Every care provider will have policies and suggestions about supplies, so find out what those are ahead of time. You will feel more confident when you follow a detailed daycare packing list for babies.

Pack These Essentials

The best way to pack for daycare is to have two bags. One bag will stay at the daycare with extras like diapers, wipes, clothing, and bedding, and it can get replenished as needed. The other bag will go with your baby every day and come home with you every night. 

Milk and Meals

In your daily bag, send in enough labeled bottles for the day plus an extra in case of an emergency. If your baby drinks formula, pre-measure it in each bottle. If you use powdered formula, your daycare provider can add water at feeding time.  If you are sending breast milk, ask your daycare how they want you to pack it. Some may ask that you send it in thawed. Others may have freezers and will want you to send in clearly identified frozen bags that they can defrost. When your baby starts eating cereal, ask your daycare provider how you should pack it. You could send in full boxes labeled with your baby’s name and replenish them as needed. Or, you may send in pre-measured portions on a daily basis. If you pack it daily, use small plastic containers with lids to avoid spills. Once your baby begins eating baby food on a regular basis, you should pack labeled baby food jars or small plastic containers with screw-on lids that are labeled. Also, find out if you need to pack a bowl and spoon. If so, don’t forget to label them. 

A Word From Verywell

Keeping your daycare supplies organized will make life easier for you and your daycare provider. Remember, what’s helpful for your provider is ultimately helpful for your baby. And when your child is well cared for, you are happy. It is a win-win for everyone.