Try buying two packages of newborn-sized diapers. Cloth diapers can be more of a chore during the newborn phase and many of the multi-size cloth diaper products don’t fit newborns well, so many cloth diapering families choose to either temporarily use disposables or invest in a cloth diaper service for the first few weeks until the baby fits in average size diapers. If people wish to give diapers as gifts, ask for a variety of small sizes—not just newborn. Diapering a newborn is not difficult. Always have clean ones handy and bring everything you need to one spot before removing the soiled diaper. Ensure baby is on a safe surface and don’t leave the baby unattended—even small babies can roll. For beginners, we recommend stripping the baby entirely. This saves you some laundry in the end. Both boys and girls can spray you, so beware.

Redness Swelling Foul odor Discharge Tenderness in the area around the umbilical cord

Call your pediatrician right away if any of these symptoms develop. The cord will fall off within a few weeks. As with every baby task, gathering your equipment prior to starting is essential. Once you’re ready there are a couple of ways to do it:

Bathing baby with you in the tub Using a baby tub for the counter/sink Trying a washcloth and basin bath

While talking about bathing and keeping baby clean, it’s important to mention that soaps can commonly dry out baby’s skin. Some babies are very sensitive to chemicals found in even the most gentle cleanser. Keeping these to a minimum is a good idea, particularly the smaller the baby.

BoredomHaving a dirty or wet diaperFrustrationHungerLonelinessOverstimulationPainTiredness

Just like adults, babies can experience emotional situations that leave them unable to cope. While there are cues for most problems prior to crying, crying is the one sure sign that your baby isn’t happy or is in need of something. Figuring out what that something is, however, isn’t always easy. Trying the basics like feeding, changing, rocking, etc. might work the majority of the time, but other times it won’t. Don’t take your baby’s crying personally and know that you can’t always stop it or prevent it. Learning your baby’s cues and knowing your limits can be very helpful. There will be days where the crying might get to you. Don’t be afraid to let someone else take care of the baby while you take a breather.

Hold babyRock babySwaddle babyFeed babyChange babySing to babyPlay white noise (running the vacuum, shower, or hairdryer can work)Play musicTake a car ride with babyTake a walk with baby

If you’re feeling really frustrated and you’re alone, try setting the baby in a safe place (such as their crib) while you take a moment to yourself in another room. Call a friend and ask for help. Don’t be afraid. All parents have these days, and it does not mean that you’re a bad parent. It means that you are human. The first few days after birth, you may notice that you are very warm all the time, perhaps even sweating profusely. This is generally due to hormonal changes and it’s helping your body to rid itself of the fluids that have built up to sustain the baby and the placenta. This is generally not painful, just annoying. After pains are the contractions that help your uterus return to its normal size. They begin after the birth of the baby (and the placenta), and they are normal and natural. For nursing moms, the oxytocin released while nursing may cause some cramping right after the birth and during the first few days of nursing. Lochia comes from the healing of the placental site as your uterus shrinks back (involutes) to its pre-pregnancy size, which takes about six weeks. The bleeding will generally become light in flow and lighter in color until it stops completely, which signals that the location where the placenta was located has healed over. Because your body is healing and at higher risk of infection, you should use pads to catch the flow rather than tampons or menstrual cups. Since the first few days are the heaviest, wear older underwear (or the famous mesh panties provided by the hospital or birth center) to avoid ruining your good clothes. You can also consider using incontinence pads or adult diapers for the first few days. After that, any type of menstrual pad will generally work. If you did need to have stitches, your doctor or midwife will discuss how to care for them and what your recovery will be like. They may even prescribe some medications to assist in pain relief. The stitches are generally going to dissolve on their own, though you may see bits of the threads come off on the toilet paper. The following measures will feel good and promote healing:

Kegel exercises: These exercises can promote healing in addition to strengthening. Sitz bath: A warm hip bath or sitz bath with or without medications or herbs, can promote healing and ease discomfort. Air: Try sitting on a pad without underwear at least once a day. Warmth: Some providers recommend a heat lamp or a hairdryer on a warm but slow setting for pain relief. Cold: You can use ice packs or special pads with cold packs built in. These are especially great the first few days when you may be swollen. Medications: You can use prescription medications (if prescribed), but many doctors and midwives will recommend over-the-counter pain medications like Mortin (ibuprofen) and witch hazel pads (like Tucks) to help with itching and soreness.

Baby Blues

The “postpartum blues” are generally hormonal in nature. They can begin between 48 and 72 hours after birth and last for up to two weeks. The blues are characterized by crying, irritability, anger, exhaustion, tension, restlessness, anxiety, and possibly insomnia. The feelings are temporary and can affect anyone.

Postpartum Depression

Some women will also experience postpartum depression (PPD), which is generally characterized by worsening and persistent depressive symptoms and can also be accompanied by postpartum panic or mania and even obsessive-compulsive disorders. Some women will even experience post-traumatic stress disorders, particularly after a traumatic birth (individually defined).

Postpartum Psychosis

Though relatively rare, some women will experience postpartum psychosis. This condition is generally seen with many of the same mood symptoms as PPD, plus hallucinations, confusion, or delusions. This condition is very serious and requires immediate attention for the safety of both the mother and the baby.


Breastfeeding ideally begins with a first feed within one hour after birth during skin-to-skin time. To begin, you’ll simply put the baby belly to your belly, help them open their mouth wide, and place the nipple in their mouth. (That’s the short, oversimplified version.) You should have the support of your labor nurse, midwife, doula, or lactation consultant for this first feed. In addition to asking for (and accepting) help, consider learning as much as you can about breastfeeding prior to birth to prepare yourself. While natural, breastfeeding is a skill that both you and your baby will need to learn together.

Bottle Feeding

Some parents opt to bottle feed their babies with expressed breast milk, infant formula, or a combination of the two. If you decide to bottle feed with formula, ask your baby’s pediatrician for formula recommendations. The equipment you need to bottle feed will depend on what type of bottles you choose and, in the case of formula feeding, whether you are using bottled water, well water, or tap water. Discuss this with your baby’s doctor and consider getting a report from your local water company if in doubt about your water supply. How soon you feed your baby after birth will usually depend on the hospital schedule. If you have a preference for formula or bottles, it’s best to incorporate that into your birth plans. Classes are also offered by most hospitals. After the birth, you will not be given medication to dry up your milk. Usually, you will be counseled to wear a tight-fitting bra, avoid breast stimulation, and to take medications to deal with the discomfort. This can last up to 2 weeks. Once that has occurred, keep an open mind and go slowly. Talk about how you are each feeling physically and emotionally. Rushing back into sex when either partner isn’t ready can only make things worse. Causes of painful sex postpartum can include scar tissue, decreased desire and arousal, overactive pelvic floor muscles, and nerve compression. Fear of hurting your partner can be a hindrance to romance and so can a baby screaming just as you’re finally ready to act. Keep a sense of humor handy. Remember that sex doesn’t have to mean penetrative intercourse, but it can involve a variety of sexual and intimate activities. If you find that penetrative sex is painful, go slowly, increase foreplay. and use a personal lubricant and/or vaginal moisturizer. If these measures don’t help, talk to your doctor or midwife. You may also notice that your breasts may leak during sex. This is not a problem and will not waste breast milk for your baby. It is not harmful to you or your partner. If it bothers you, you can wear a bra with nursing pads to stop the leaking. Most moms who experience this only notice this the first two months after a new baby. There are further considerations for sex after a c-section. Birth control is an important topic for heterosexual couples to discuss because it is possible to get pregnant even if your period hasn’t yet returned. There are many methods of reliable birth control (hormonal and otherwise) that are safe and effective for new parents (including options for breastfeeding moms). Don’t hesitate to ask. In addition to discussing birth control and the birth, you will probably have your annual exam, including a breast exam and pap smear. This means that after this appointment, you likely won’t have to see your provider for another year unless you have questions.