When you breastfeed in the side-lying position, you lie on your side and place your baby down alongside you on their side. You and your child will be facing each other belly to belly with your baby’s head at the level of your breast and their feet toward your feet.

When to Breastfeed in the Side-Lying Position

The side-lying breastfeeding position is an excellent choice whenever you want to feed your baby lying down. It’s also a good idea to learn this position since getting comfortable with a few different breastfeeding positions will allow you to alternate through different holds throughout the day. There are times when lying down to breastfeed is really helpful. You may find that breastfeeding in the side-lying position is a good choice in certain situations. Here are a few times you might want to consider using the position.

In the Hospital

When you’re in the hospital, the side-lying and laid-back nursing positions are the perfect way to breastfeed comfortably in your bed. Ask for help learning these two positions right away so that you can lie down and rest while you’re nursing. And, don’t forget the keep the side rails up on your bed.

After a Cesarean Section

The side-lying position and the football hold are ideal for if you’ve just had a C-section. These positions can help to make breastfeeding a little more comfortable since your newborn isn’t putting pressure on your stomach and your incision site.

At Night

Nighttime feedings are a breeze when you place your little one beside you in your bed to nurse. However, while many families can safely co-sleep, it’s important to note that the bed-sharing can be dangerous. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that you put your baby back in their crib or bassinet after each feeding during the night. A co-sleeper or sidecar that attaches to your bed is a good option if you want your child at arm’s reach, but you’re worried about keeping them in the bed. 

With Large Breasts

It can be awkward trying to breastfeed a newborn with very big breasts. It may be easier to get the baby latched on in the side-lying position. If you have large breasts, try the side-lying position, and ask for assistance until you become more comfortable with latching your baby on and breastfeeding on your own.

When Sitting Up Is Uncomfortable

If you’ve been sitting up for a while and you’re uncomfortable, it’s nice to be able to lie down to breastfeed. Also, sitting up and breastfeeding for long periods of time can cause strain on your back, neck, and arms. If you’re feeling strained, try lying down.

If You’re Tired or Sick

Let’s face it, it’s exhausting to have a new baby. Sometimes you just want to put your head down, your feet up, and relax. This position lets you breastfeed and rest at the same time.

When Baby Is Sleepy

A sleepy baby may stay more alert and breastfeed longer in the side-lying position or the football hold. The cradle hold tends to be more cuddly and sleep-inducing for an already sleepy baby.

How to Breastfeed in the Side-Lying Position

Now that you know what the side-lying breastfeeding position is and when it might be useful, here’s how to breastfeed while lying on your side:

Where to Find Help

You can start breastfeeding in the side-lying position right after your baby is born. Ask for help from your nurse or the hospital lactation consultant from the very first breastfeeding.  If you didn’t learn how to breastfeed in this position while you were in the hospital and you want to learn it now, you can try it on your own, seek help from a breastfeeding group such as La Leche International, call a lactation consultant in private practice, or talk to your doctor.