One thing you can’t compromise on? Brushing teeth. And not just because clean, healthy teeth might help you avoid expensive orthodontic care when your kids are older (although that, too!), but also because good oral hygiene is important to overall health. Some experts even think the bacteria that occurs with gum disease may be able to move into the bloodstream, potentially having a negative effect on heart health. If your child still fights you when it’s time to brush their teeth or refuses to claim any responsibility for this hygiene habit, it’s time to help them get their mouth into sparkling, smiling shape. Wondering how to get them there? It’s a step-by-step process. Here’s how to start.

Talk to Them

How many times have you told your child to brush their teeth only to be answered with a whine or complaint? Brushing your teeth seems like a total waste of time to most kids; it’s boring, their teeth don’t look dirty, and who cares what happens to baby teeth, anyway?! Well, your kid should care…baby teeth are important! According to the American Dental Association, they hold space for the adult teeth that will come in later; losing baby teeth too early to tooth decay can cause overcrowding and other problems. But your kid doesn’t know any of that, so you should talk to them about the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day.  Here are some basic talking points and strategies you can use whenever you get pushback from your child about taking care of their teeth.

Brush your teeth alongside your child in the morning and the evening. Little kids like to copy adult behaviors.  Cater to their preferences. If your child only wants bubble gum-flavored toothpaste, don’t insist on mint. If they want to try an electric toothbrush (oh, the novelty!), that’s fine. Whatever gets them brushing. Do a cavity science experiment. Many kids learn best when they have a visual example, so it may help to show your child what happens to their teeth when they eat, and then when they don’t brush.  Offer lots of choices. Instead of mandating when exactly your child needs to brush their teeth, ask if they want to brush them before or after they get dressed in the morning. This makes them feel in control without letting them off the hook.  Play pretend. Little kids will love brushing the teeth of their favorite dolls and stuffed animals, so give them a dollar store toothbrush and let them role-play dentist. See if they can explain to their toys why brushing is so important; teaching often reinforces learning. Remind your child that we wash our hands several times a day to get rid of germs so we don’t get sick, and when we brush our teeth we’re doing the same thing.  Take turns. Allow your child to brush their own teeth first, and then tell them it’s your turn. Kids under six don’t have the motor skills to be able to brush effectively, so they need an adult to brush for them. But giving them the chance to do it first helps them learn and practice.

If your child still isn’t on board, it’s time to enlist some help. Grab some picture books (this one and this one are great!), turn on the “Daniel Visits the Dentist” episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, crank the volume on some old-school Raffi, or—when all else fails—bring your child to a family or pediatric dentist and let the professionals handle it. They’ve had a lot of practice!

Break the Task Down Into Steps

It might sound silly to you since you could probably brush your teeth in your sleep, but kids get overwhelmed quickly by multi-step tasks. They have to take out their toothbrush and put toothpaste on it and then they have to brush their teeth?! Cue meltdown.  Thankfully, this is a problem easily solved. Split all these small, simple tasks up for your child so they can check them off one-by-one. For example: Some kids will be able to memorize these steps with a little practice, but others will need a visual reminder. That’s okay! Write or print out this list of instructions, or create an ordered set of pictures so they can follow along with the steps. Laminate it and leave it in the bathroom so your child can refer to it as they learn to brush independently. 

Foster an Independent Routine

Kids are often forgetful, but they’re also creatures of habit (just like grownups!). The easiest way to help your child make oral hygiene a part of their routine is to tie it to other activities they do every day without thinking: getting dressed or undressed, getting in or out of the tub or shower, before eating breakfast, or after having dessert.  Once you feel your child has successfully taken on the responsibility by themselves, you still can’t go fully hands-off. You should plan to check in with your child on a regular basis to ask them if they’re remembering to brush twice a day and if they have noticed any changes to their teeth or gums, like pain or sensitivity.  Depending on the child, you may need to visually inspect their mouth to make sure they’re brushing thoroughly enough (or even check their breath to make sure it isn’t too stinky!). Even if your child is keeping up their end of the brushing bargain, your child’s oral health is still your responsibility for now, so you’ll have to continue making sure it’s being done correctly.