Because the ability to read is an early predictor of educational achievement, students with reading disorders are at risk of poor academic performance throughout their school years. They may experience low self-esteem and negative outcomes later in life if they don’t receive the help they need. As with all learning disabilities, there is no cure for reading disorders. However, a variety of teaching methods are available to help students cope with their disability and learn to read successfully.

Types of Reading Disabilities

Learning disabilities in reading fall into two main categories: problems with word recognition and difficulty comprehending the meaning of words. Each type affects a different part of the reading process, and a person may be diagnosed with more than one disorder.

Word Recognition

The most well-known learning disability in word recognition is dyslexia. This disorder impairs a person’s skill to recognize, decode, and spell words, even those they already know. Due to their difficulty with individual words, people with dyslexia often have trouble with reading comprehension as well. If your child is diagnosed with a reading disorder, it may be printed on school documents as “SLD in basic reading.” Dyslexia is by far the most common learning disability, making up 80–90% of all learning disability diagnoses. It’s estimated that dyslexia affects up to 20% of the population.

Reading Comprehension

Also known as specific reading comprehension deficit (SRC-D), this disability is characterized by difficulties with semantic and syntactic processing. People with SRC-D have a hard time decoding the meaning of the words themselves (semantics) as well as differentiating between various word orders (syntactic meaning). For example, “The boat is in the water” has the same words but a different meaning than “The water is in the boat.” People with SRC-D may also find it hard to express themselves verbally and to understand the words of others.


While there is no single cause of learning disabilities in reading, experts believe they are linked to abnormalities in language processing and visual reasoning centers of the brain. This results in difficulty understanding written words. Genetic conditions, environmental factors, and developmental differences in the brain may also play a role. Learning disabilities in reading are not due solely to vision problems, hearing difficulties, speech and language disabilities, or lack of instruction.


People with learning disabilities in basic reading have difficulty understanding the link between sounds and parts of words or individual letters (known as phonological awareness). As a result, they may not be able to decode words or use phonics skills to sound them out. Children with reading disorders may exhibit some or all of the following symptoms:

Difficulty in spelling and sounding out wordsFrustration with or avoidance of reading-related tasksInability to explain what they have readTrouble naming objects

Due to the extra effort required, reading can be physically and mentally draining for people with a learning disability. Without recognition of their disorder and specialized help, these students are more likely to fall behind their peers in some or all of their classes. If they are ostracized or bullied for their disability, making friends and maintaining a positive self-image can be tough as well. If your child has a reading disorder, stay alert to signs that they are struggling in class or with their peer group.


People who have reading disorders often exhibit language delays early in life, which is why most diagnoses are made in school-aged children. However, a brain injury can cause someone to develop a learning disability at any age. Diagnosis of learning disabilities is a complex process. IDEA states that the determination of whether a child has an SLD should be made by a team composed of the child’s parent, teacher, and a professional qualified to conduct SLD testing such as a psychologist or speech-language pathologist. A learning disabilities evaluation can provide information to help educators identify the specific types of reading errors a child makes. Through observation, analysis of the student’s work, cognitive assessment, and possibly language assessment, the team can make an accurate diagnosis. If your child is diagnosed with an SLD in reading, they will be eligible for an individualized education plan (IEP). This action plan is created by school teachers and staff with parental input. It allows students with disabilities to receive an education that is tailored to meet their needs.


Using information from your child’s evaluation, the team will choose from research-based strategies to work on reading skills in the most effective way for that child. Strategies focus on pre-reading tasks, developing sight word vocabulary, mediated reading instruction, phonics, and possibly language therapy to help students learn. As children build basic reading skills, teachers will introduce activities to improve fluency as well.


Students with learning disabilities may appear less capable of learning than they really are. While they may seem uninterested in their classes or assignments, this is usually far from reality. As explained on the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development website, “reading disorders are not a type of intellectual or developmental disorder, and they are not a sign of lower intelligence or unwillingness to learn.” People with learning disabilities often know they are behind their peers. The discrepancy between their learning pace and that of others in their class can understandably affect their self-esteem and motivation in school and other areas of life. It’s vital that parents and teachers show extra patience and compassion for the challenges that students with reading disorders encounter on a daily basis. While they may exhibit frustration with schoolwork, these students are most likely working far harder than their peers to reach their academic goals.

Support for Children With Learning Disabilities

If you believe your child has a learning disability in basic reading, contact your school principal or counselor for information on how to request an evaluation. They can help you get a referral for your child to an IEP team to determine if an assessment is appropriate. For students in college and vocational programs, their school’s advising office can assist with finding resources to help ensure their success. Be sure to stay involved with your child’s teacher and any specialists to help support their progress.

A Word From Verywell

Students with learning disabilities face challenges in life that other kids don’t have to cope with. As the parent of a child with a reading disability, you may find yourself feeling frustrated or uncertain of how to help your child at times. Thankfully, there are many resources in communities, schools, and online to help families of children with learning disabilities. By reaching out to a pediatrician, teacher, or school counselor with your questions and concerns, you can help your child succeed not only in reading but in every area of their life.