Before you were pregnant, feeling hot may have been a minor nuisance. But getting too hot during pregnancy can quickly turn to overheating, which can be a serious health risk to you and your baby. A body temperature higher than 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit can lead to heat exhaustion, heatstroke, or dehydration. Overheating can also lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes like premature birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, and congenital disabilities. So staying cool in the summer isn’t just a matter of comfort; it’s a matter of health.

Summer Pregnancy Risk: Dehydration

Drinking water during pregnancy is vital because of the increased demands on your body. It is even more important to drink lots of water during the summertime, when hot temperatures can speed dehydration. Not drinking enough liquid can lead to heat exhaustion and can also cause Braxton Hicks contractions. Signs of dehydration include:

Dizziness or lightheadednessNauseaHeadachesMuscle crampsDry mouthFlushed skinChillsConstipationDark-colored urineHigh heart rate/low blood pressure

Aim for 8 to 12 cups of water a day. Drink before you get thirsty—thirst can be a sign that you’ve waited too long.

Summer Pregnancy Risk: Swelling

During pregnancy, your body retains more water, which means that some swelling, especially around your ankles and feet, is normal. However, when the weather is hot, swelling can be even more pronounced. Excess swelling from the heat is called “heat edema.” When the body experiences excess heat, blood vessels expand, which causes body fluids to move into the tissues, resulting in swelling. Staying out of the heat can help you avoid excessive swelling in the summertime. If you do find yourself experiencing heat edema, try to rest with your feet up, take a cool shower, or place your feet in a pool or a basin of cool water.

Is extreme Is in your hands and face Comes on suddenly

Excessive swelling, especially in the hands and face, can be a sign of preeclampsia.

Summer Pregnancy Risk: Sun Exposure

During pregnancy, it’s best to avoid direct sunlight. If you are in the sun, use a 30-45 SPF sunscreen. Avoid restrictive clothes, which can increase your discomfort and add to swelling problems. Limit outdoor time to the cooler parts of the day—early morning and early evening—rather than high noon. And when you do go out, stay hydrated by drinking even more than the recommended 8 to 12 cups of water.

When to Call Your Practitioner

Most of the time, summer heat is a nuisance that can be managed. But sometimes, it can lead to overheating, resulting in risks to your pregnancy and your baby. So watch out for pregnancy warning signs that warrant a call to your doctor:

Regular contractions or crampsVaginal bleedingLeaking fluid from the vaginaSwelling or puffiness of the face or hands (a sign of preeclampsia)Headaches or blurred vision (preeclampsia signs)Lack of fetal movementPain during urination (possible urinary tract, bladder, or kidney infection)Pelvic or abdominal pain (preeclampsia signs)Low, dull backache

A Word From Verywell

Summer can be a great time to get out and enjoy your pregnancy. Many activities can still be done during pregnancy with a few simple modifications. Just keep in mind that overheating can happen far more quickly when you are pregnant, so take precautions when it’s hot outside. And watch for signs that your body may be dehydrated or overheating. If you notice any concerning swelling, have a temperature over 102 degrees F, or experience any other symptoms that worry you, be sure to contact your doctor right away.