Heat is great for helping you relax. Heat can be used for pain in a specific location, like a tight muscle, or it might be just used generally to help you relax, such as a warmed blanket or a warm tub or shower. You need to figure out what works for you at the moment, but you might already have a good idea from your everyday life. If you are a big fan of a heating pad or other source of warmth, this might be a great thing to add to your birth plan.

Using a Heating Pad During Labor

Heat can be used at any point in labor or even for comfort at the end of pregnancy, except on areas numbed from an epidural or if you have a fever.

Keeping Warm During Labor

Sometimes you may get chills in labor. Heat can help warm you in labor and reduce feeling chilly. Simply take your heating pad or rice sock and cuddle up with it, wherever it feels best. Hospitals may also be able to offer you heated blankets for full-body coverage.

Back: If you are experiencing back labor, using a heat source can feel better and relieve your pain. You can also use this in conjunction with cold, alternating them for even better pain relief. Neck: Using warm compresses on the neck is something that many people use to help them relax. There is no greater time that you need relaxation than in labor. Pubic bone: You might feel a lot of tightness or pressure at your pubic bone. This is particularly true if you’ve experienced symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) in pregnancy. Heat can help you relax and increase your mobility.

Remember to test the heat source with your hand. You may need to wrap it with a towel or two to avoid burning your skin and to make it more comfortable to the touch. If you don’t have access to a rice sock or heating pad, you can also use a warm blanket or a warm shower or bath.

When Not to Use Heat

The good news is that experts don’t believe that there is risk associated with using heat in labor as far as labor progress or fetal monitoring. There have not been many studies on the topic specifically, though a very small study showed it was not problematic. It is important to be very careful using any source of heat if you have an epidural. In addition to being a burn risk on numbed skin, it can also cause you to overheat since epidural changes how your body dissipates heat. The same warning goes for a person with a fever in labor—heat may not be appropriate.