The dreams that we have while pregnant are often rooted in the worries and joys of pregnancy and the changing roles of our lives. Hormones play a part as well. Combine this with a bout of insomnia, and it can really wreak havoc your sleep.

Nightmares and Fear Dreams Can Be Common

Dreaming of harm coming to you, a member of your family, or the baby is a common theme. As is losing the baby or feeling out of control in a situation with a baby. Many believe that these are just the fears of ourselves as parents playing out in dream form, while others may shrug them off and say they don’t have any meaning. Either way, while fear-based dreams can be very disheartening, they are likely not an indicator as to how you will be as a parent. Cheating and disappearing spouses, or reappearing ex-lovers can haunt some. What will your husband think of your ever-expanding belly? Will he stick around to find out? Or the reverse, you’re dreaming of steamy moments with those you find attractive, even the stars of stage and screen. Or, maybe work is what’s foremost on your mind—do you say or do silly things in your dreams at work? Have you had dreams about your boss doing really odd things, like shaving your coworkers’ forearms? When it comes to scary dreams and even realistic birth dreams, however, it’s not as easy to laugh them off. Consider sharing them with someone you trust: your spouse, a friend, or someone else who is pregnant. Discussing your potential fears or revelations behind the dreams with a confidante is often easier then trying to make sense of them on your own and can help you feel much better.

Partners Can Have Pregnancy Dreams

Partners can experience these anxiety dreams, too. Believe it or not, our weird pregnancy dreams can also happen to the partners in our lives. Sometimes their dreams are related to our fears, or their own. They may revolve around money issues, protection of the family, feeling left, out or just about anything that has to do with expecting. A shoulder to lean on is very important for them as well. Dreams can become very troublesome when they cause you to lose sleep or have insomnia in any way. Some women will benefit from professional help due to the disturbing nature of the dreams that pregnancy brings on. If you feel like your dreams are causing you to lose quality sleep and are detrimental to your well-being, ask your healthcare practitioner for a referral to a mental health counselor or therapist.