Qualities of a Childcare Provider

As any established childcare provider will attest, being a good parent doesn’t mean you’re suited to being a childcare​ provider. Your temperament, organization, the physical environment you offer, the ability to work well with all types of kids, adaptability, and patience are a few things you need to consider. Do you have experience working with youngsters for an extended time? You might try that first to double-check your interest and then find financing options (if needed).

Choose a Setting

Prospective childcare providers need to determine what age group they want to work with and the setting they want to be in. Daycare centers primarily focus on infants through preschoolers; pre-schools are typically toddlers, and children often must be potty-trained (ages 2-5); and out of school care is tailored to providing childcare of school-aged kids on a before-school or after-school basis or during school breaks, such as staff development or holidays. Faith-based care options also abound.

National Accreditation

Several different organizations have developed accreditation programs to recognize excellence in child care and early childhood programs. The accreditation process typically requires higher standards than that required by state regulations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and involves extensive self-study, leadership skills, and validation, as well as parent evaluation. Focus is on relationships, environment, health and safety, learning, and professional and business practices.

Local Childcare Provider Licensing Laws 

Opening a childcare center is an opportunity to develop your own business while providing a much-needed service. Centers are licensed by the state, and requirements may vary but typically include that care professionals must meet educational/training requirements and be inspected regularly. The facility must also meet specific building, fire, and zoning codes. Specified adult to child ratios are enforced, and background checks are usually required.

Pay Attention to In-home Dare Regulations 

There can be a difference between being “regulated” vs. being “licensed” by the state, so check for details and differences. In Texas, for example, the Department of Family and Protective Services typically registers, rather than licenses, family day care homes, although it does license in some circumstances with higher standards. Both types of care include inspections, minimum standards, and maximum numbers of kids. Listed family care homes provide unregulated care and meet no requirements.

Child-to-adult Ratios

Ratios of children to providers is an important question to consider. The answer depends on what type of care option is selected, whether it is in the home or a facility, involves more than one caregiver in the same setting, and even the age of the children themselves. Another consideration often factors in the length of daily care.

Child Subsidy Programs 

There are all types of subsidies and federal or federal assistance for child care. The key is to know where to work and also to consider what kind of paperwork wrangling you’re willing to go through to get aid. There is help for low-income parents, for providers who care for children in some low-income regions or circumstances, and even for meals and snacks provided to children. Start with your state to see what options exist and whether the programs offered provide benefit.

Working With Parents and Kids

Caring for kids is one thing; working well with parents is very different. Childcare providers often confess to a “love-hate” relationship at times, where they adore the child but become frustrated with a parent’s demands (food choices, time outside, nap arrangements, discipline, art time, and relationships in general, are some hot topics). There’s also the liability and payment issues to consider as well.