That’s why many new moms find it helpful to discuss their experiences and seek advice from other new moms who’ve recently had babies. You’re able to relate on a very real level because they are dealing with or have dealt with the same things recently. Their knowledge is fresh and current, and they have a deep level of understanding and empathy. They are up to date with the newest guidelines and trends and are happy to share and connect. All of this can provide a huge level of safety and comfort. Not to mention, it can also save you time and unnecessary stress! Whether they are your best friends, siblings, family members, or perhaps people you don’t know well at all, the closeness of the shared early motherhood experience is invaluable. Find out how and where you can connect with these moms to help you on your journey in parenthood.

Why Other New Moms Are So Valuable

While it’s wonderful to receive guidance and support from anyone with previous experience, like your parents or other family members who raised kids 30 years ago, it’s a fast-paced parenting world where things are changing all the time. For example, they may not know how to open and close the baby stroller, how to use the new swaddle that you purchased, what’s the best solid food to start with, how to put on the baby carrier, or how to use the baby swing. But new moms will! Even if you are a mom with a new baby and older children, chances are you’ll still find value in connecting with moms who’ve recently had babies, because they are going through what you are currently going through (frequent feedings, doctors’ appointments, interrupted sleep, etc.) and because they may be savvy to new trends, must-needed baby items, or current guidelines that have changed since your first baby. Even if they aren’t your “best friends,” it’s always helpful to bounce ideas off each other and to support each other in motherhood.

How to Connect With Other New Moms

If you aren’t currently affiliated with a group of new moms, there are easy ways to find some.

Close Friends and Family

If you are a first time mom and have siblings, best friends, or neighbors with new babies, then you’re in luck. You can enjoy each other’s happy moments, keep each other company, and engage in conversation about questions or concerns you have, including:

Is it normal for the baby to spit up after feedings? What are best types of wipes to purchase? What’s the most affordable and practical jogging stroller? What’s the best nursing bra? When does breast milk come in?

These moms can help you when the baby comes and can also be a valuable resource before the baby arrives. Count on these moms to review your registry, recommend a reliable pediatrician, and maybe set up a meal train or even cook you a meal (or two) when the baby comes.

Through Older Siblings

If you are a new mom with older siblings in a school system you may have access to other new moms already. Chances are you’ll see them at school pickup, after school activities, at the park, or even around town. If your older children haven’t already introduced you, set up a time to connect. You can take the babies for a walk or schedule a playdate. The big kids can play together, while the little ones can relax, and moms can chat.

Outside Your Inner Circle

Most of the time, simply sharing new mommy status will connect you to other new moms who have recently had babies. Whether you run into a new mom at the doctor, grocery store, or park, odds are you are bound to connect. In addition, you’ll find all kinds of mommy activities, resources, online groups, and communities that can help connect you to moms who’ve recently had kids. Prenatal Classes: Prenatal classes are a great way to meet new mothers-to-be that live in your community. These moms are in the same boat you are in and probably would love to welcome a friend to share in their experiences. Local Library: Local libraries typically offer classes and playgroups for new moms and are often a good place to meet other moms with small children and babies. Check out your local library for a list of activities or hang out in the children’s section where you’re bound to meet other parents. Mommy and Me Groups: Mommy and me groups are a great way to meet moms that have recently had babies. Typically, you’ll enroll in a class within a certain age group which means you’ll meet other moms with kids similar in age. These types of groups are usually held in an intimate setting and can range from a variety of activities, including music and even movement. Mommy and me yoga, for example, is a fun way to get back in shape and engage with others who share the same interests as you. You can search for mommy and me groups through your local library, social media, or find out some good recommendations through word of mouth, town stores, or your place or worship. Social Media Groups: Social media groups are a more casual way to connect with moms who share the same interests. These moms may not be your “best friends,” but can still lend virtual support, advice, and much appreciated mommy expertise. Most often, your town will have its own social media group on a platform, such as Facebook. You can simply search Facebook based on your concern or interest and join relevant groups. Even through social media, you’ll be able to receive (and eventually provide) helpful tips and information. To find a Facebook group, click on the group section until you get to “Parenting,” and you can search for mom groups here. If you want to be very specific with your search, for example, you can search for specific types of groups such as “new mom,” “mommy and yoga,” “how to feed my eight-month-old baby,” or by where you live. Mom Meetup: Meetup helps people meet up with others based on their likes, interests, and needs. Moms who join can search to “meet” other moms locally. You can do it online on or download the app. Search through the family section to locate a group in your area. You can also search through interests. Nextdoor: According to the website, Nextdoor is the neighborhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services. When you join this community, you’ll be connected to moms that are in your direct neighborhood and not within a certain mile radius. You can use this for doctor recommendations, local event announcements, babysitter sharing, and more. Lactation Classes: Nursing your little one has proven benefits for both mother and child. But it can also come with challenges. For some moms, it doesn’t come easy and they need help. Meeting up with other moms who have similar struggles can provide a sense of comfort and relief and allows moms to bounce ideas off one another. If you are struggling with nursing, consider attending a lactation class. Call the hospital your child was born at or ask your midwife for local options.

A Word From Verywell

Other moms are your best source of truth after having a baby because they get it. They are in the thick of it all right with you and serve as a reliable resource and friend. Meeting moms with new babies is a great way to connect, get support, and have your questions answered. Whether these moms are your best friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, or people who don’t know very well, sharing in your experience will be invaluable. You may decide to meet them in person or to develop virtual relationships with these moms. Whichever route you choose, you’ll be able to get connected to other new moms in your community or online. You are bound to learn that new moms helping new moms is an invaluable experience—and hopefully return the favor to others in the future.